Exercise Khunjar Haad 18 is a USNAVCENT-led multilateral, surface, air and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) exercise with the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, Royal Navy of Oman, Royal Air Force of Oman, Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF), France’s Marine Nationale and United Kingdom’s Royal Navy in order to enhance interoperability, mutual capability and support long-term regional cooperation...
Hawaii National Guard soldiers and airmen assist Hawaii county officials with the 2018 Kilauea eruptions.
Kiwi Koru is a PACOM sponsored bilateral exercise designed to
enhance defense relations with New Zealand through conducting multinational
training and advancing interoperability between both forces. Kiwi Koru is a
preliminary event in support of Southern Katipo 15. Southern Katipo 15
(SK15) is a New Zealand Defence Force's (NZDF) major military exercise. SK
15 brings together force...
Kiwi Kour is designed to enhance defense relations with New Zealand through conducting multinational training and advancing interoperability between both forces. Kiwi Kour is a preliminary event in support of Southern Katipo (SK 15). KK 14 training includes combat lifesaver training; Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) scenario play; counter improvised explosive device (C-IED) training; jungle...
Koa Moana is comprised of approximately 200 U.S. Marines and Sailors from 1st Marine Logistics Group and I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, who will task-organize into multiple detachments with expertise in providing engineering, medical, maritime law enforcement, and explosive ordnance disposal capabilities.
Koa Moana is comprised of approximately 200 U.S. Marines and Sailors from 1st Marine Logistics Group and I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group, who will task-organize into multiple detachments with expertise in providing engineering, medical, maritime law enforcement, and explosive ordnance disposal capabilities.
Elements of the U.S. 7th Fleet will participate in the Indonesian navy sponsored Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo 16 (MNEK), a joint exercise with ASEAN and ASEAN plus countries to build relationships and develop interoperability. The exercise will have a senior leader tabletop exercise as well as a land-based CPX and an at-sea operational phase. The exercise will also conduct civic Action...
Fiscal Year 24 Korea Flying Training (KFT 24) is a combined training event focused on tactical execution of combat missions to maintain military readiness. KFT 24 is part of the ROK-U.S. alliance's routine, annual training program to maintain military readiness.