The KC-46A is the first phase in recapitalizing the U.S. Air Force's aging tanker fleet. With greater refueling, cargo and aeromedical evacuation capabilities compared to the KC-135, the KC-46A will provide next generation aerial refueling support to Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and partner-nation receivers. At full operational capability, the KC-46A will be able to refuel most fixed-wing,...
Keen Edge is a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed, U.S. Pacific Command-scheduled and USFJ-sponsored command post exercise (CPX). KE16 is a joint/bilateral CPX involving U.S. military and Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF) personnel designed to increase combat readiness and interoperability between the JSDF and U.S. forces. KE will focus on bilateral coordination, force protection,...
Exercise Keen Sword (KS) is a biennial, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command-scheduled, and U.S. Pacific Fleet-sponsored field training exercise (FTX). KS is a joint/bilateral FTX involving U.S. military and Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) personnel in the vicinity of Japan. This exercise is designed to enhance Japan-U.S. combat readiness and...
Keen Sword 23 is a biennial U.S. Pacific Fleet-sponsored field training exercise (FTX). KS23 is a joint/bilateral FTX involving U.S. military and Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) personnel (as well as some other partner participants) in the vicinity of Japan from 10 through 19 November 2022. KS23 is designed to enhance Japan-U.S. readiness and interoperability while strengthening the bilateral...
Keen Sword 25 is a joint/bilateral exercise with multinational participation involving the Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF) and U.S. military units, along with participants from the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The exercise will take place in the vicinity of Japan from 23 October through 1 November 2024. KS25 is designed to enhance Japan-U.S. readiness and...
Keris Aman 2023 is a multinational United Nations Peacekeeping (UN PKO) exercise conducted in Malaysia and co-sponsored by U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and the Malaysian Armed Forces. It consists of a UN PKO Mission staff training event, field training event, and a critical enabler capability enhancement event at the Malaysian Peacekeeping Centre. The exercise is designed to strengthen...
Keris Strike is a U.S. Army Pacific-sponsored theater security cooperation program exercise conducted annually with the Malaysian Armed Forces. Keris Strike consists of medical first responder training, counter-IED training, Humanitarian Civic Assistance events, Medical Civic Actions Projects (MEDCAPs), and a brigade and battalion level staff exercise (STAFFEX) focused on peace support...
Keris Strike 16 is executed as an army-to-army exercise at the brigade level, which focuses on key US and MA training requirements. Keris Strike 16 directly assists U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) to enhance partner land force capacity and capabilities to develop military resiliency, address internal security challenges and participate in regional peacekeeping, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster...