This content showcases military shout-outs for the Arizona Cardinals. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLCardinals.
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Arizona Diamondbacks. To have your MLB shoutout featured here use tag MLBDiamondbacks.
Army Reserve Medical Command Soldiers participate in their annual Rifle Qualification on a small arms range at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Fla., Feb. 20. Soldiers must qualify with their rifle once year to maintain familiarity and proficiency.
This is the place to find all video, images, and news stories on the 2018 Army All American Bowl. The U.S. Army All-American Bowl is the nation’s premier high school football game, featuring the best 90 players in a classic East vs. West match-up, January 6th in San Antonio’s Alamodome.
Upload and retrieve multimedia content in support of the Army's 249th Birthday. Content found here includes multimedia products that capture the variety of the week's activities.
In a strategic move designed to prepare for the Army’s continued readiness and modernization, Army Materiel Command senior leaders are implementing an investment plan that outlines options for optimizing construction dollars through the next decade. The Facility Investment Plan, or FIP, is a compilation of all current facility requirements throughout the Army, a prioritization of those...
The U.S. Army is a new sponsor for the UFL, Soldiers will be at select games to participate in sideline interviews, Army Futures Command will provide public affairs support for select games.
Raider Competitions are athletic competitions held at JROTC programs around the world. Events take place outdoors and usually consists of individual strength test (push-ups, tire-drag, obstacle course, etc.), distance team running events, first aid events, and some form of rope bridge construction/crossing.
The U.S. Army JROTC Raider National Championships are a three-day event that...