Angkor Sentinel is an annual bi-lateral exercise between USARPAC and the Royal Cambodian Army. The exercise includes a battalion level command post exercise (CPX), an engineer civic action project (ENCAP) and medical civic action projects (MEDCAP). The exercise focuses on training U.S. and Cambodian forces to support peace keeping and stability operations.
Airborne operation at Ft. Bragg, NC as recognition and a celebration of LAW Day, which demonstrates these Soldiers show towards their appreciation of the liberties and the reaffirmation of their loyalty to the United States and of their rededication to the ideals of equality and justice under law in their relations with each other and with other countries; and for the cultivation of the...
More than 50 teams of military police will come to Fort Leonard Wood , Mo., for the 16th Annual Military Police Warfighter Challenge; a four-day event held, Sept. 15-18.
During the four-day event, three-Soldier teams from installations around the world will cover nearly 70 miles on foot while competing in numerous warrior tasks, battle drills and endurance tests. Most events are unknown to...
ANNUALEX is a combined exercise composed of Japan and U.S. Naval forces, conducted in the Sea of Japan. ANNUALEX focuses on improving the mil-to-mil relationship between the US and Japan. The purpose is to improve bilateral interoperability, defend Japan against maritime threats, and to improve capability for surface warfare, air defense and undersea warfare.
The crew of the USCG Cutter Polar Star (WAGB-10) was requested to rescue/recover the Antarctic Chieftain, a 207-foot Australian-flagged fishing vessel with 26 people aboard, beset in ice approximately 900 miles northeast of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica on Feb. 10, 2015. The Antarctic Chieftain suffered damage to three of its four propeller blades when it became stuck in the ice lost its ability...
Advanced Naval Technologies Exercise 2019 took place at Point Loma and San Clemente Island. Photos, B-roll and interviews are available for viewing.
Air Forces Africa, along with Mauritania and Senegal, are hosting an African Partnership Flight at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Aug. 6-10. Approximately 34 air force delegates from Mali, Chad, Gabon, Malawi, Uganda, Mauritania and Senegal are participating in this APF. The APF program is Air Forces in Africa’s premier security cooperation program with African partner nations to improve...
APORA was established during the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak. It is an African-led, AFRICOM facilitated program designed to prevent, detect, and respond to emerging infectious diseases. Various U.S. agencies along with African partner nations, will work together and align best practices to improve response capabilities for outbreaks of infectious diseases.