Graphics by Munnaf Joarder | 127th Wing | 02.20.2020
The Canadian Forces Snowbirds poster for the Selfridge International Open House.
Courtesy Graphics | 158th Fighter Wing | 02.19.2020
Green Mountain Boys battle flag for the Vermont National Guard. Courtesy asset.
Courtesy Graphics | 158th Fighter Wing | 02.19.2020
Green Mountain Boys battle flag in the shape of the state of Vermont. Created in Adobe Photoshop.
Courtesy Graphics | 158th Fighter Wing | 02.19.2020
Green Mountain Boys shield for the Vermont National Guard. Courtesy asset.
Graphics by Anthony Summa | Marine Corps Installations East | 02.18.2020
This graphic promotes notices about chow hall observance meals at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) and Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote harmony throughout the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ and MCAS New River social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by GS-10......
Graphics by Cristina Piosa | Fort Benning Public Affairs Office | 02.18.2020
There have been great improvements since August 2019! Housing is exceeding numbers and expectations. This graphic is from 2019, numbers have changed. Fort Benning Housing is communicating with residents by providing them with the most accurate information on a monthly basis to ensure communication is up-to-date....
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Divine Cox | 36th Wing | 02.14.2020
Andersen Air Force Base now has a new app. Download it now!
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Trey Michael | Marine Corps Installations East | 02.14.2020
This graphic promotes the biographies of U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. William P.T. Hill, Brig. Gen Harry B. Liversedge and Lt. Gen. Frank B. Goettge whose names are honored at various areas and awards at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote education throughout the social media services of the Department of......