Graphics by Lance Cpl. Trey Michael | Marine Corps Installations East | 02.11.2020
This graphic celebrates the cultural holiday of Valentine’s Day at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) which is observed on the fourteenth day of each February. Created in Adobe Illustrator to promote harmony throughout the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration by Lance Cpl. Trey Q. Michael) (Filters......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Taylor Altier | 374th Airlift Wing | 02.10.2020
This layout and design product was created by 374th Airlift Wing Public Affairs, Yokota Air Base, Japan, on Feb. 10, 2020. (U.S. Air Force layout & design by Staff Sgt. Taylor A. Workman)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Trey Michael | Marine Corps Installations East | 02.10.2020
This graphic promotes the biographies of U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Julian C. Smith VI and Maj. Gen. John Marston VI whose streets are named in honor of at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote education throughout the social media services of the Department of Defense. (U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Trey Michael | Marine Corps Installations East | 02.10.2020
This graphic promotes the biography of U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Thomas Holcomb whose streets are named in honor of at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote education throughout the social media services of the Department of Defense. (U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration by Lance Cpl. Trey Q. Michael) (Text......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Everett Radcliffe | Marine Corps Installations East | 02.10.2020
This graphic celebrates the cultural holiday of Valentine’s Day at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River which is observed on the fourteenth day of each February. Created in Adobe Illustrator to promote harmony throughout the MCAS New River social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by Lance Cpl. Everett Radcliffe)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jacob Bergh | USS Makin Island (LHD 8) | 02.08.2020
200208-N-LR905-2002 San Diego USS Makin Island's VIPER Team Logo (U.S. Navy graphic by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Jacob D. Bergh)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jacob Bergh | USS Makin Island (LHD 8) | 02.08.2020
200208-N-LR905-2002 San Diego USS Makin Island's VIPER Team Logo (U.S. Navy graphic by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Jacob D. Bergh)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jacob Bergh | USS Makin Island (LHD 8) | 02.08.2020
200208-N-LR905-1001 San Diego U.S. 3rd Fleet, U.S. 7th Fleet and U.S. 6th Fleet Naming conventions for VIPER products. (U.S. Navy graphic by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Jacob D. Bergh)...