Graphics by Pfc. Isaac Munce | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 01.12.2020
A poster featuring a Marine doing "one more" pull-up to motivate Marines for the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) season starting January 15th. (U.S. Marine Corps layout and design by Pfc. Isaac Munce) (This poster was created using Adobe photoshop techniques)...
Graphics by Gary Rogers | 100th Air Refueling Wing | 01.10.2020
This photo layout was made to show how the people of Mildenhall were standing together in difficult times.
Graphics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Mutis A Capizzi | Naval History and Heritage Command | 01.10.2020
200110-N-HP188-0003 (WASHINGTON NAVY YARD) Owning tomorrow's fight today; a culture of excellence infographic designed to take a look into the mind of the surface warfare officer Cmdr. Ernest E. Evans. Created for the Surface Navy Association’s 32nd annual symposium held in Arlington, Va., Jan. 14-16. (U.S. Navy graphic by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW/AW) Mutis A.......
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Lealan Buehrer | 182nd Airlift Wing | 01.09.2020
This layout design was created for social media and digital publishing for the unit and family member target audiences to reinforce safe operations security practices online following United States Central Command area of responsibility public affairs guidance distributed by the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force for Public Affairs Jan. 5, 2020. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Britany Rowlett | 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit | 01.09.2020
Vector logo created using adobe illustrator for Exercise Iron Fist 2020 on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, Jan. 9th. Exercise Iron Fist provides realistic, relevant training necessary for effective combined military operations. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Lance Cpl. Britany Rowlett)...
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Lealan Buehrer | 182nd Airlift Wing | 01.08.2020
This layout design was created for social media and digital publishing for the unit and family member target audiences to reinforce safe operations security practices online following United States Central Command area of responsibility public affairs guidance distributed by the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force for Public Affairs Jan. 5, 2020. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by......
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Lealan Buehrer | 182nd Airlift Wing | 01.08.2020
This layout design was created for social media and digital publishing for the unit and family member target audiences to reinforce safe operations security practices online following United States Central Command area of responsibility public affairs guidance distributed by the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force for Public Affairs Jan. 5, 2020. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by......
Graphics by Charo Gutierrez | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 01.07.2020
AFA Air Warfare Symposium 2020 Event Branding & Logo. (U.S. Air Force Graphic by Rosario "Charo" Gutierrez)