Graphics by Cpl. Miranda DeKorte | Marine Corps Installations East | 01.03.2020
This graphic celebrates the federal observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) and Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River on the third Monday of each January. Designed in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness and promote harmony throughout the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ and MCAS New River social media audience.......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Christopher Jelle | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.02.2020
Rendered 3D Agile Spirit medallion. Model used in the creation of public affairs products during Agile Spirit 19. File is an editable Photoshop 3D model. Example of use can be seen at Created by Staff Sgt. Christopher Jelle, 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Christopher Jelle | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.02.2020
Approved design for the 5th MPAD Ghost Writer challenge coin. The front of the coin shows the Ghost Writer logo over top a globe, signifying the unit and its ability to deploy anywhere in the world. It is encircled by gold ring representing it's affiliation with the U.S. Army. The back of the coin shows the Army Public Affairs emblem over top the state of Washington, representing the......
Graphics by Natalie Morehouse | U.S. Navy JAG Corps | 01.01.2020
Naval Legal Service Command
Graphics by Natalie Morehouse | U.S. Navy JAG Corps | 01.01.2020
Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals
Graphics by Charo Gutierrez | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 12.31.2019
Test caption
Graphics by John Prettyman | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District | 12.31.2019
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District received $2.1 billion dollars through the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-123) Long Term Disaster Recovery Investment Plan to keep five critical infrastructure projects in California's Central Valley on track, move dirt, and most importantly, reduce disaster risks for local communities and businesses. Here's an overview......
Graphics by Alex Stevenson | 341st Missile Wing | 12.31.2019
This booklet portrays the mission and objectives of the 341st Missile Wing and its tenant units. It also features a complete breakdown of the mission and objectives of AFGSC, 20th AF, USStratcom, and the USAF. This booklet can be used to determine the missions and goals of several areas of the USAF, as a quick reference guide for this information....