The 147th Attack Wing partnered with NASA Protective Services Officers for an active shooter training exercise at Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base, Texas, on Feb. 20, 2024. The exercise focused on improving response times, interagency communication, and emergency preparedness to enhance readiness for real-world scenarios. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Senior Airman Eduardo Figueroa Varela)
This weekend, Airmen from the 147th Attack Wing showcased exceptional skill, resilience, and leadership at the Texas Air National Guard Outstanding Airman of the Year (OAY) competition. Competing against top Airmen from across the state, members of the 147th Attack Wing emerged victorious in three of five categories: Airman, Non-Commissioned Officer, and Junior Officer of the Year.
In a testament to their talent, dedication, and proficiency, the 147th Attack Wing Public Affairs Office has emerged triumphant in multiple categories at the prestigious Texas Military Department Media Awards Competition. Their exceptional performance across various media disciplines not only underscore their commitment to excellence but also highlights their profound impact on shaping public perception and fostering greater understanding...