Master Sgt. Garett Murley, a flight chief with the 181st Intelligence Wing Security Forces Squadron, and Staff Sgt. Adrain Storm, the Combat Arms Training and Maintenance Program Manager, attended the Air National Guard’s Cold Weather Operations Course alongside 68 other Air National Guardsmen at Camp Ripley, Minnesota from Jan. 27 to Feb. 8, 2025.
On Saturday, February 8th 2025, the Terre Haute North Vigo “Patriot’s” Varsity Boys Basketball team were the first local team to represent the 181st Intelligence Wing “Racers,” sporting jerseys with the Racer name in their home game against Decatur Central High School.
Lt. Col. Kent A. Lundy, the 181st Intelligence Wing Chaplain, opened the inauguration ceremony with an invocation for Indiana Governor Mike K. Braun, the newly appointed 52nd governor of Indiana, at the Hilbert Circle Theatre in Indianapolis, Jan. 13, 2025.
HULMAN FIELD AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Ind. – 181st Intelligence Wing leadership welcomes the community leaders part of the new U.S. Air Force Honorary Commanders program and gives insight into the wing’s critical mission and operations at Hulman Field Air National Guard Base in Terre Haute, Indiana, Dec. 17, 2024.
The Honorary Commanders Program aims to educate key community leaders about the 181st’s mission and foster a supportive...