The DLA Troop Support Clothing and Textiles team takes pride in weaving first class support for more than 50,000 items. They outfit every soldier, sailor, airman and Marine around the world, from their first day of service in boot camp, to camouflage uniforms worn on the battlefield and service dress uniforms. C&T procures more than 8,000 different items ranging from uniforms, footwear and undergarments to ecclesiastical items, individual equipment, flags and tents. The provides clothing, textiles and equipment to U.S. service members, other federal agencies and partner nations. For more information on how DLA Troop Support Clothing and Textiles can support your mission visit:
After years of health and emotional turmoil, Lisa Schirmer, Finance and Supply Branch Chief for Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Susquehanna, found comfort in her new best friend.