The People of Chepe Hill Devote Much of Their Free Time to Working on the Housing Project. In Exchange for Their Labor - They Receive American Surplus Food - Chile [Image 28 of 35]
Chepe Hill in Concepcion, Chile, is typical of many villages in Latin America - living conditions are miserable. But in Chepe Hill there is hope. More than 150 residents will vacate the shacks in which they have been living to move into a bright new housing development they built themselves. The exodus is taking place as a result of a self-help housing program sponsored by the Government of Chile. The government supplies building materials, tools and supervision for the construction. Each family receives a loan of about $1,400 to cover the costs of the materials. The people are paid for their work with food provided through AID's Food for Peace Program. The United States will provide $2 million in surplus food for over 150,000 Chileans in the coming year to assist 15 similar housing projects.
The People of Chepe Hill Devote Much of Their Free Time to Working on the Housing Project. In Exchange for Their Labor - They Receive American Surplus Food - Chile