[B-ROLL: Indiana National Guard Best Warrior Competition]
Indiana National Guard soldiers battle freezing temperatures, heavy rain and grueling obstacles during the 2025 Best Warrior Competition at Camp Atterbury, March 14-16. The three-day event tested their endurance, tactical skills and mental resilience through an obstacle course, ruck march, weapons qualification, medical evaluation and more. Staff Sgt. Zachary Green and Spc. Josiah Bowen claimed top honors, earning the chance to represent Indiana at the regional competition later this year.
(Indiana National Guard video by Staff Sgt. Hannah Clifton)
CAMP ATTERBURY, Ind. – Through freezing temperatures, heavy rain and relentless winds, Indiana Guardsmen pushed themselves to the limit in the 2025 Best Warrior Competition.
Master Sgt. Garett Murley, a flight chief with the 181st Intelligence Wing Security Forces Squadron, and Staff Sgt. Adrain Storm, the Combat Arms Training and Maintenance Program Manager, attended the Air National Guard’s Cold Weather Operations Course alongside 68 other Air National Guardsmen at Camp Ripley, Minnesota from Jan. 27 to Feb. 8, 2025.