Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Takes Time Tracking... 03.12.2025 | Photo by Elaine Heirigs Naval Health Clinic Lemoore's resource management department conducted a timekeepers and approvers training Defense Medical Human Resources System...
Lemoore Navy Clinic Honors Departing Ombudsman 02.18.2025 | Photo by Elaine Heirigs Capt. Aaron Werbel, commanding officer (right) of Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Lemoore and Command Master Chief Eric Morgan (left)...
Navy Dental Clinic Educates Base Children on Cavity... 02.13.2025 | Photo by Elaine Heirigs Lt. Hannah Mills, a Naval Health Clinic Lemoore dentist teaches preschool students at Admiral Akers School about good food choices for their teeth...
Navy Clinic Uses Mario Kart to Drive Home Anti-DUI... 12.10.2024 | Photo by Elaine Heirigs Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Lemoore Command Master Chief Eric Smith wears impairment goggles while participating the Naval Health...
NHC Lemoore leads the way to improved audit... 06.13.2024 | Photo by Elaine Heirigs From left to right. Tamra Christian, Navy DTS, Jaclyn Yeiser, NHCL deputy comptroller and Randy Butler, Navy DTS. Naval Health Clinic Lemoore...
Amy Carlo: Naval Branch Health Clinic Fallon Nurse... 06.19.2024 | Photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Adwoa Dwamena Amy Carlo is Naval Health Clinic Lemoore’s Staff Spotlight person of the week. Carlo, a clinical nurse at Naval Branch Health Clinic Fallon,...
Chicago native supports dependable, quality OB/GYN... 06.12.2024 | Photo by Elaine Heirigs Ebony Sims, a licensed vocational nurse in the OB/GYN department at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore, is praised for her dedication and commitment to...
NHC Lemoore nurse case manager provides compassion... 06.06.2024 | Photo by Elaine Heirigs Pamela Brosius is a registered nurse and certified nurse case manager who is a civilian contractor at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore. Brosius is from...
Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Uses Mario Kart to... 12.10.2024 | Video by Elaine Heirigs Naval Health Clinic Lemoore is taking an innovative approach to drunk driving education by combining video games with impairment simulation.
Naval Health Clinic Lemoore participates in The... 10.19.2023 | Video by Elaine Heirigs More than 400 active duty and civilian staff from Naval Health Clinic Lemoore (NHCL) joined millions of others around the world on Oct. 19 when...
Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Temporary Referral of... 06.05.2023 | Video by Elaine Heirigs Capt. Romeo Tizon Jr. and LT Cheryl Buckley explain Naval Health Clinic Lemoore's temporary referral of retirees and their family members to the...
Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Commemorates 80th... 06.03.2022 | Video by Elaine Heirigs Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Commemorates 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway with a wreath laying.
Naval Health Clinic Lemoore Takes Time Tracking... 03.14.2025 | Story by Elaine Heirigs Naval Health Clinic Lemoore (NHCL) champions accurate time tracking procedures within the web based Defense Medical Human Resources System...
Lemoore Navy Clinic Honors Departing Ombudsman 02.18.2025 | Story by Elaine Heirigs Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Lemoore bid farewell to ombudsman Patricia Chambers who was recognized for her service to the...
Navy Dental Clinic Educates Base Children on Cavity... 02.14.2025 | Story by Elaine Heirigs The Naval Health Clinic Lemoore’s Dental Clinic is taking proactive steps to combat childhood dental problems. The team is visiting two local...
Navy Clinic Uses Mario Kart to Drive Home Anti-DUI... 12.10.2024 | Story by Elaine Heirigs Naval Health Clinic Lemoore is taking an innovative approach to drunk driving education by combining video games with impairment simulation.
NHC Lemoore leads the way to improved audit... 07.08.2024 | Story by Elaine Heirigs Naval Health Clinic Lemoore coordinated a comprehensive week-long training of the Defense Travel System (DTS) last month from June 10-14. The...
Amy Carlo: Naval Branch Health Clinic Fallon Nurse... 06.21.2024 | Story by Elaine Heirigs Amy Carlo is Naval Health Clinic Lemoore’s (NHCL) Staff Spotlight person of the week. Carlo, a clinical nurse at Naval Branch Health Clinic...
Chicago native supports dependable, quality OB/GYN... 06.13.2024 | Story by Elaine Heirigs Ebony Sims, a licensed vocational nurse in the OB/GYN department at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore, is praised for her dedication and commitment to...
NHC Lemoore nurse case manager provides compassion... 06.06.2024 | Story by Elaine Heirigs Pamela Brosius is a registered nurse and certified nurse case manager who is a civilian contractor at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore. Brosius is from...
Big Lake native provides medical support to... 04.12.2024 | Graphics by Elaine Heirigs Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Valeria Ortiz from Big Lake, Texas has worked at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore for about a year and a half as a pharmacy...
Public health LPO shines as team player at NHC Lemoore 02.15.2024 | Graphics by Elaine Heirigs Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class ReiCharles Quioco from Cavite, Philippines provides care in the public health directorate at Naval Health Clinic...
NHC Lemoore doctor brings rural care specialty to... 02.02.2024 | Graphics by Elaine Heirigs Dr. Dustin Schleif is a physician in the Urgent Care Clinic at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore since the department reopened in the fall of 2017. He...
NHC Lemoore Staff Spotlight Hospital Corpsman 3rd... 01.26.2024 | Graphics by Elaine Heirigs Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Josh Quinto is from Tracy, California. He has worked at Naval Health Clinic Lemoore since November 2021. Quinto is ...
NHC Lemoore staff spotlight: Hospital Corpsman 3rd... 12.24.2023 | Graphics by Elaine Heirigs Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Daniela L. Rojas-Corral is from Reno, Nevada and a member of Team Lemoore. She works at the Armed Services Whole...