Col. Kent Savre, 36th Engineer Brigade Commander, sends holiday greetings to service members and the U.S. citizens from his family and the 36th "Rugged" Engineer Brigade. Produced by Sgt. Tracie Slempa. Also available in high definition.
Who you know makes a difference in many aspects of our lives. It is most certainly applicable when it comes to responsive troop construction. The 36th Engineer Brigade is the only troop construction capability in Iraq. If soldiers are doing the work, they are wearing the Rugged Brigade Patch.
First Lt. Susan Sponable, Master Sgt. Erika Lozano, and Spc. Juan Siller, with the 36th Engineer Brigade took part in “Iraqi Kids Day” at Joint Base Balad sponsored by the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing. The purpose of the event was put on as a way to create an avenue for local outreach and to improve community relations that allowed the children of the local community the opportunity to interact with U.S. forces in a safe and entertaining...